Only two things are noticeable, in which Razumovky was not afraid to disturb his powerful wife with persistent requests. The first is help to clerics, and the second is continuous requests for various favors to his native land, Ukraine.
These requests were successful. Ukraine was granted great benefits — from the confirmation of the ancient advantages of the city of Kyiv to the free import of bread from Poland. Moreover, the withdrawal of military regiments from there was carried out, because then the wait was burdensome. But the main thing is the restoration of the hetmanship in Ukraine, that is, an attribute of an independent state.
Being a slob is not good — there is no doubts about it. But a talented person can benefit even from a lack.
This way did this farmer’s son, who used his own carelessness to make two discoveries: the first is very important, and the second is simply great. Which one?
November 9, the day of honoring the memory of Nestor the Chronicler since 1997, is celebrated as the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language. And this is understandable — after all, Nestor is, perhaps, the first writer known to us for all speakers of East Slavic languages. Undoubtedly — Ukrainian too
At the end of the 19th century, Americans knew that it was the food of the poor from certain ethnic groups, and they were not at all eager to include it in their diet. However, their preferences were changed by talented advertising and proper packaging. What is the main innovation that was used to create this packaging?
Her difficult but glorious life continues – let her live longer and have time to find out how many people around the world admired her victories, culture, intelligence and willpower, let her continue to prove to us that the starting position in life is not the main thing, and the hard work shown, will and endurance will help to achieve everything
A little while ago, in all major cities, sorry for the unappetizing detail, everyone was bothered by terrible smells of you know what.
And the beginning of the solution of this problem was laid by an invention named after the letter of the Latin alphabet.
Which letter?
His art is still popular and relevant, disputes about him do not subside. He is also remembered in Ukraine. In Uzhgorod, two monuments were erected to him, and in April 2016, the former October Square in the village of Mynai was named after Andy Warhol. But perhaps this is not enough…
Before the Chicago slaughterhouse, Midwestern cattle in the 19th century had to be driven under their own power, losing weight along the way. They began to transport by rail – the death rate increased on the way. What to do?
After him, 24,223 documents remained, of which 14,572 were signed by Catherine II, and 9,651 by himself, but they were personally created by him to the last. This workaholic left such a mark in history – now let the biographers figure out what is good and what is not. They have enough work!
At the end of the 17th century, this enterprising man, wanting to accustom the inhabitants of the city to a new drink, distributed it himself through the streets in jugs on a tray — one kreuzer apiece
But the product was not in demand: firstly, as it came from the hated conquerors, and secondly, because it tasted bitter!
How to change the attitude of residents to this drink?
Monuments to him have been erected in Lviv, Halych, Ternopil and Volodymyr-Volynskiy, and in Dnipro, Lutsk and Vinnytsia there are streets named in his honor. Even the state award of Ukraine, established in 2003, bears his name. But the main thing is not in memorial actions. We remember him as a living character in history, who, although he ruled in difficult times, did everything he could
The era of the Great Geographical Discoveries (XV-XVII centuries) rapidly expanded the world known to Europeans. One of the most important roles in it was played by a certain prince, who did not make any special travels. What paradoxical nickname did he get?