© Huxley — an almanac about philosophy, art and science

Is there a connection between meaning and sound? This debate has been going on for thousands of years. In the twentieth century, linguistics unconditionally accepted the postulate of the arbitrariness of this connection. Although, starting with Plato, many philosophers were convinced of the opposite. Language is a system of understanding of the world. Moreover, the worldview itself, in which sound and meaning are merged. Modern science tends to agree with this opinion of philosophers

Huxley - 22.02.2022

Google`s director of engineering Ray Kurzweil has long, and with good reason, been dubbed a “restless genius.” And all because Ray has a huge track record of fairly accurate predictions and is not afraid to put exact dates in his forecasts

Huxley - 21.02.2022

The life path of the world-famous French singer and film actress Edith Piaf was unusually eventful, complex and short. She lived only 47 years, was an example of a strong spirit, but at the same time a vulnerable person. With an incredible talent, a booming and dramatic voice, the girl who sang on the street forever inscribed her name in the tablets of history

Huxley - 18.02.2022

Huxley publishes an interview with the legendary teacher and outstanding scientist Shalva Amonashvili. About pedagogy, feminization of education, accelerated children and the fact that world culture is a “bouquet” of different “colours”

Huxley - 18.02.2022

The term “self-fulfilling prophecy” was proposed in 1948 by the prominent American sociologist Robert Merton. Summarizing his conclusions, we can say that it is not so important whether the situation in which a person finds himself is actually real. If it seems real to him, then its consequences will be real

Huxley - 17.02.2022

It is important to understand that dialogue is impossible without the desire of each side to understand the other. It is necessary not to act on the principle of “the one who is louder is right”, but to try to hear all sides, all participants

Huxley - 14.02.2022

Beulah Louise Henry was predicted to become a politician, but the girl found another calling for herself – she began to improve the world through her inventions. She came up with 110 things and ways to improve life, patenting 49 of them. Beulah Louise acquired the nickname Lady Edison and became the first inventor to receive fabulous fees for her ideas

Huxley - 11.02.2022

He was the first in the world to be able to climb to the top of Everest during the monsoon season, traveled to Antarctica and Greenland, visited the North and South Poles, crossed the Gobi and Takla Makan deserts. And all this – without any connection with relatives or the press. The legendary mountaineer Reinhold Messner did it not for fame, but for one more small tick in the list of his personal victories

Huxley - 09.02.2022

The English have a rhyme popular since the 19th century: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me. It is often cited in various books and songs as a kind of “spell” to protect against insults and verbal bullying. However, are we really immune to words?

Huxley - 08.02.2022

The distribution of roles in the global economy leaves Ukraine little chance for a breakthrough. But the rejection of competition at the level of ideas and goods, acceptance of the role of an exporter of grain and ore doom Ukraine to stagnation and regular crises caused by price fluctuations in commodity markets

Huxley - 07.02.2022

The first flight of a man to the moon, the first shoe print on the Earth satellite, the return alive from orbit – all this could not have happened without the painstaking work of a fragile woman wearing glasses – the lead engineer of the Apollo space program, Margaret Hamilton

Huxley - 04.02.2022

A study of the rituals of various human communities shows that whirling is a specific technique for the physical and mental coverage of space. The circle itself does not have any given properties for it. But as soon as movement begins in it, everything changes dramatically, something similar to the “exploration of space and time” takes place

Huxley - 03.02.2022

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