WHAT IS 2022 PREPARING FOR US? Famous entrepreneurs and visionaries Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates on how our world is going to change soon

Sources: t.manlikebook.com / englishspeecheschannel.com / psm7.com
The end of the year is the time to take stock and make plans for the future. Famous people who have become successful due to their professionalism, intelligence, dedication and entrepreneurial ability are no exception.
Following the example of Elon Musk, famous entrepreneurs and visionaries of our time share their ambitious plans and forecasts for 2022: Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. And even if forecasts for the near future are a thankless task, these people can certainly be trusted.
“Real progress is not measured by economic growth, but by how many people manage to realize themselves,” said Mark Zuckerberg, an American programmer and internet entrepreneur and co-founder of Facebook and Meta, early in his career.
“Personal and social fulfillment is what is worth continuing to do in 2022,” says the youngest billionaire in history. Zuckerberg himself will focus on building the Metaverse, the digital metaverse. He said that it is an immersive virtual world. Mark Zuckerberg describes it as the next phase of the Internet.
Already, he has completely moved all work processes into virtual reality and instead of directional leaders communicates with their avatars, urging employees to do the same.
In order to function in the metaverse with gestures and voice, Zuckerberg’s company will supply Project Cambria VR helmets in 2022. With their help, it will be possible to reproduce the facial expressions of a person through his avatar and control gadgets. The next level, which the developers are actively working on, is the control of a computer system using the power of thought.

Mark Zuckerberg has been testing the conditional Metaverse for two years in a row. For example, in the VR world of Horizon Worlds, residents of the United States and Canada can play games, study and be creative, conduct sports competitions and collaborate research.
For Meta, this is not only an interesting experiment, but also a path to discovering unexpected and important markets. Testing is going on very successfully, and, possibly, in 2022 this virtual world will become available for Ukraine as well.
While Zuckerberg is creating the universe in the computer, “space romantic”, billionaire and investor Jeff Bezos in 2022 will tune in to even more active space exploration.
He recently suggested that one day humans will begin to be born on space stations and make tourist trips to Earth “just like you are visiting Yellowstone National Park”.
The founder of Amazon and space company Blue Origin is convinced that we need space to save the Earth from overpopulation and environmental disaster. For example, cylinders-atmospheres floating in outer space will be able to accommodate millions of people and species populations. By the way, he has already allocated $ 51 million to save the lost forests and landscapes in Africa.
Harmful enterprises and power plants should also be moved outside the Earth, Bezos is sure. By the end of 2022, Jeff Bezos promises to launch two Internet satellites into low-earth orbit as part of the Kuiper project and become a full-fledged competitor to Elon Musk.
Having been in space this summer and having risen to an altitude of more than 100 kilometers on his own ship New Shepard, the founder of Amazon decided to put such flights on stream.
In 2022, tours to the stratosphere from the space company Blue Origin will become regular. The ticket is not cheap – $ 28 million, but at the end of the year the revenue was already $ 100 million, and this is not the limit.
Also in the engineering bureau of Jeff Bezos’ company, they are actively developing a heavy rocket New Glenn, capable of launching satellites and ships into orbit. Its launch is scheduled for next fall.

E-commerce giant Amazon will also enter the new year with updated features. The company is already testing fast delivery of small parcels to the United States using drones. The unmanned aerial vehicle will reduce order waiting times to a record 30 minutes.
By the way, very soon on the Amazon site it will be possible to easily and legally pay with Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’s predictions come true so often that he often appears in the Western media as a visionary rather than a successful entrepreneur and billionaire. For example, he warned humanity about the possibility of a pandemic back in 2017.
Back in 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation was founded, one of the main activities of which is infectious diseases.
A well-known philanthropist predicts that in 2022 the acute peak of COVID will decline, despite the new omicron strain, and will further transform into a simple seasonal disease.
“The world is now better equipped to deal with potentially dangerous variants of the virus than at any other stage of the pandemic. If we take the right steps, the pandemic will end in 2022,” says Bill Gates. According to him, humanity could cope with the epidemic faster, but disorganization and carelessness prevented it.
With the advent of mobile medicine and all kinds of gadgets, Bill Gates predicts the possibility of medical monitoring at home. Vital indicators, analyzes and data will already in 2022 collect and read all kinds of sensors, applications and gadgets like “smart watches” – thus the patient will save time and effort.
The immediate plans of Bill Gates and his team for 2022 are the search for solutions for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, the victory over polio and tuberculosis, the development of environmentally friendly affordable hydrogen fuel, as well as an ambitious project to block direct sunlight from entering the Earth.
And if earlier Gates often repeated his favorite: “If your business is not on the Internet, then you are not in business,” now he advises everyone to leave gadgets and screens into reality.
“I think 2022 will be the year that many of us will finally enter a new normal life after the pandemic,” he predicts.