CINOSOPHY: Film with meaning Casino, directed by Martin Scorsese

Casino is a dramatic motion picture directed by Martin Scorsese. The plot is based on the book of the same name by Nicholas Pileggi and Larry Shandling. The casino is Scorsese’s third gangster film project, previously released on Evil Streets and Nice Guys.The last picture Casino also connects the participation of the acting duo De Niro – Pesci, who in the future appeared with this director in the film The Irishman.
The ideal rating of films is impossible by definition – there is too much subjective in the perception of art. But as a basis for thought, the IMDB rating fits quite well, being a relatively accurate reflection of the life of pop culture, bringing to the top works that combine quality, author’s idea and attractiveness for a wide audience.
The most widely represented genre in the top twenty is rather unexpectedly gangster dramas – 4 films out of 20 tell about the lives (and often deaths) of organized crime workers in the United States.
One of the genre’s greatest creators is undoubtedly Martin Scorsese, and while watching his Casino, I constantly tried to articulate for myself what makes gangster stories so compelling.

For starters, it’s also notable that these stories are very cinematic. Flamboyant heroes, relationships distilled to pure emotion and the constant possibility of a tragic end. This naturally attracts talented filmmakers with a flair for promising material.
Brian de Palma, Coppola, Tarantino and Scorsese shot great films in different genres, but, according to the main audience, it was in gangster cinema that they were able to reveal themselves as much as possible. And the Casino completely falls into this row.
In almost three hours of timekeeping (a great rarity for 1995), Scorsese first of all incredibly deeply and comprehensively reveals to us the main character, played by the brilliant Robert De Niro. A real person appears before us, demanding and talented at work, who has multidimensional and true relationships with friends and the woman he loves.

An endangered “guy from the street” who has managed to take its place in an industry that will soon be finally taken over by corporations. And one of the main tasks of this film is to show the viewer how much such a mental block can worry, experience emotions and be vulnerable.
This is probably the secret of a good gangster drama. We are shown ordinary people in unusual circumstances and the stakes are always incredibly high. There is no place for snobbery in the perception of art. A good movie can be of any genre, and if it is in this format that talented directors and actors can open up, take it for granted and enjoy the work of art.